Re: Выкидывает после загрузки клиента
2016.04.25 14:44:25:43 Install
2016.04.25 14:45:54:610 Write the minidump to the file
2016.04.25 14:45:55:768 Succeeded to write the minidump file
2016.04.25 14:45:55:768 Do stack trace
2016.04.25 14:45:55:881 User callback funtion(after) is called
2016.04.25 14:45:55:882 Connect to sftp server :0 failed with ChilkatLog:
DllDate: Sep 10 2010
UnlockPrefix: WEBZENSSH
Username: 11
Component: Visual C++ 9.0
SftpVersion: 0
port: 0
ConnectTimeoutMs: 5000
Cannot connect, hostname is zero length
Failed to establish initial TCP/IP connection
2016.04.25 14:45:55:883 Upload crash_20160425_1444.dmp : Failed
2016.04.25 14:45:55:884 Connect to sftp server :0 failed with ChilkatLog:
DllDate: Sep 10 2010
UnlockPrefix: WEBZENSSH
Username: 11
Component: Visual C++ 9.0
SftpVersion: 0
port: 0
ConnectTimeoutMs: 5000
Cannot connect, hostname is zero length
Failed to establish initial TCP/IP connection
2016.04.25 14:45:55:884 Upload stack_20160425_1444.txt : Failed
2016.04.25 14:45:55:884 Succeeded in handling the exception
2016.04.25 14:45:55:884 Terminate
2016.04.25 16:10:18:277 Install
2016.04.25 16:11:45:217 Write the minidump to the file
2016.04.25 16:11:45:386 Succeeded to write the minidump file
2016.04.25 16:11:45:386 Do stack trace
2016.04.25 16:11:45:486 User callback funtion(after) is called
2016.04.25 16:11:45:487 Connect to sftp server :0 failed with ChilkatLog:
DllDate: Sep 10 2010
UnlockPrefix: WEBZENSSH
Username: 11
Component: Visual C++ 9.0
SftpVersion: 0
port: 0
ConnectTimeoutMs: 5000
Cannot connect, hostname is zero length
Failed to establish initial TCP/IP connection
2016.04.25 16:11:45:487 Upload crash_20160425_1610.dmp : Failed
2016.04.25 16:11:45:665 Connect to sftp server :0 failed with ChilkatLog:
DllDate: Sep 10 2010
UnlockPrefix: WEBZENSSH
Username: 11
Component: Visual C++ 9.0
SftpVersion: 0
port: 0
ConnectTimeoutMs: 5000
Cannot connect, hostname is zero length
Failed to establish initial TCP/IP connection
2016.04.25 16:11:45:665 Upload stack_20160425_1610.txt : Failed
2016.04.25 16:11:45:666 Succeeded in handling the exception
2016.04.25 16:11:45:666 Terminate
2016.04.25 16:17:48:823 Install
2016.04.25 16:18:57:549 Write the minidump to the file
2016.04.25 16:18:57:809 Succeeded to write the minidump file
2016.04.25 16:18:57:809 Do stack trace
2016.04.25 16:18:57:911 User callback funtion(after) is called
2016.04.25 16:18:57:912 Connect to sftp server :0 failed with ChilkatLog:
DllDate: Sep 10 2010
UnlockPrefix: WEBZENSSH
Username: 11
Component: Visual C++ 9.0
SftpVersion: 0
port: 0
ConnectTimeoutMs: 5000
Cannot connect, hostname is zero length
Failed to establish initial TCP/IP connection
2016.04.25 16:18:57:913 Upload crash_20160425_1617.dmp : Failed
2016.04.25 16:18:57:914 Connect to sftp server :0 failed with ChilkatLog:
DllDate: Sep 10 2010
UnlockPrefix: WEBZENSSH
Username: 11
Component: Visual C++ 9.0
SftpVersion: 0
port: 0
ConnectTimeoutMs: 5000
Cannot connect, hostname is zero length
Failed to establish initial TCP/IP connection
2016.04.25 16:18:57:914 Upload stack_20160425_1617.txt : Failed
2016.04.25 16:18:57:914 Succeeded in handling the exception
2016.04.25 16:18:57:914 Terminate
2016.04.28 12:12:37:841 Install
2016.04.28 12:13:35:813 Write the minidump to the file
2016.04.28 12:13:36:513 Succeeded to write the minidump file
2016.04.28 12:13:36:513 Do stack trace
2016.04.28 12:13:36:632 User callback funtion(after) is called
2016.04.28 12:13:36:634 Connect to sftp server :0 failed with ChilkatLog:
DllDate: Sep 10 2010
UnlockPrefix: WEBZENSSH
Username: 11
Component: Visual C++ 9.0
SftpVersion: 0
port: 0
ConnectTimeoutMs: 5000
Cannot connect, hostname is zero length
Failed to establish initial TCP/IP connection
2016.04.28 12:13:36:634 Upload crash_20160428_1212.dmp : Failed
2016.04.28 12:13:36:635 Connect to sftp server :0 failed with ChilkatLog:
DllDate: Sep 10 2010
UnlockPrefix: WEBZENSSH
Username: 11
Component: Visual C++ 9.0
SftpVersion: 0
port: 0
ConnectTimeoutMs: 5000
Cannot connect, hostname is zero length
Failed to establish initial TCP/IP connection
2016.04.28 12:13:36:635 Upload stack_20160428_1212.txt : Failed
2016.04.28 12:13:36:636 Succeeded in handling the exception
2016.04.28 12:13:36:636 Terminate