Relic (BK) C
- boots+luck+JOH+9+12%+1socket
- exc gloves+JOH+rate+9+12%+1socket
- pants+luck+JOH+9+12%+1socket
- exc armor+JOH+rate+9+4%+5socket
- helm+luck+JOH+9+16%+2socket
Relic (ELF) C
- exc pants+JOH+rate+9+4socket
- exc gloves+luck+rate+4socket
3 Wings BK/Hunt
3 сape на DL:
Cape of Raven+luck+complete recover of mana in 5% rate
Holy Set+luck+9+JOH+12%
Excellent Spirit (Elf)+7+zen
Excellent Iris (Elf)+9+zen
Garuda's Pendant of Fire(Anc)
Excellent Pendant of Wind+HP1%+inc.dam.+l/20+monsters+l/8
Lighting - exc damage increase
Ice - item strenghener
Fire - max attack/wiz increase
Wind - automatic mana recovery increase
- max mana increase
Последний раз редактировалось GoriVadu@; 28.05.2014 в 08:58.